Tuesday, June 14, 2011

...of course the trees

Tomorrow marks 2 weeks since leaving Chicago.  So much has happened in the past two weeks, but it feels like forever ago and 2 seconds ago all at the same time.  

So what's new?  Furniture arrived on Friday, and I am currently at a state of 90% unpacked.  I'll be honest- I'll probably stay at 90% unpacked for awhile- until I muster up enough motivation to figure out what I want to do with the boxes of books I have nowhere to put, and the tool box I hopefully won't need in the near future.  My apartment is a glorified studio, but it feels good.  I'll be the first to let you know there is nothing wrong with small things.  

I live across from an amazing park that I hope to visit every single day that I'm here.  Why?  Because there is something new and/or weird going on everyday for me to watch- tai chi, softball, frisbee, soccer, families shooting rockets, group training classes, people and dogs, strange cheerleading(?) practice that involved bikes, grill outs, and of course the trees.  Perhaps the coolest thing in Portland are the trees.  Not only are they everywhere, but they are beautiful, amazing, and awe-inducing.  There are plenty that make me want to get back into tree-climbing, and I'm sure I will when I'm feeling adventurous.  There are ones that just make you stare up and up and up- and your neck hurts from craning back so far.  Trunks so fat you'd have to hold hands with 2 friends to go around, branches so plentiful you feel like you're lost in a maze.  Holly trees, pine trees, sycamore trees, maple trees, and so many more...and don't even get me started on the shrubbery.  

The neighborhood I am is a stone's throw from an historic district- with gorgeous half million dollar houses that don't look like they should cost so much.  But they are bigger on the inside than they look.  A lot of people take great pride in their front yards here, with stepped retaining walls packed to the gills will all kinds of greenery and flowers.  Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and pretty damn fragrant too.  

I've had the pleasure to do a lot of walking lately.  Like I said, I am a stone's throw from a fancy hood, with my side of the park being a little less fancy.  I've spent some time exploring the neighborhood and surrounding areas.  One of the interesting things is that you can feel like you're just strolling about the 'burbs one minute, and then turn the corner into a bustling area reminiscent of Andersonville.  

There's so much more to write about- like the prevalence of senior citizens as neighbors, the way being a pedestrian actually feels lonely in this biking town, the food carts, the dude I met named "Wood Poet," and the brew-pubs.  But that'll have to wait until next time (which might be tomorrow).       

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