Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nothing hid up my sleeves

Last night I had the great pleasure of seeing one of my best friends and favorite musicians perform for the last time (at least in a while).  It felt like coming full circle, sad and sweet.  I first saw and fell in love with Katie Todd when she played after The Locals at their CD release party at Subterranean.  The Locals put on a good show, but I was blown away by Katie and her band.  It was a jaw-dropping, stfu and just watch kind of experience- which is really rare when you're seeing and hearing a musician for the first time.  I was dead set on seeing her perform as many times as possible after that.  And boy did that happen.  I can honestly say that  knowing and being a part of Katie's life shaped a lot of my life in Chicago.  I have seen her play at so many venues here (I could list 'em but I'm sure you don't really care), I've gone on crazy impromptu road-trips, I've danced my ass off, been hoarse many times the next day, all thanks to her.  I've had the pleasure of playing roadie, selling merch, being backstage at countless bars and shows, and even hanging out in the studio.  I never would have expected it, that one night at Subterranean would have changed my life so much, and I guarantee I  wouldn't change a damn thing about it.

I think I've seen Katie perform over 100 times (I stopped counting a few years ago), and it still never gets old.  I can't say that anyone else's entire music catalog will ever remind me more of the past 10 years in my life more than Katie- that every song will remind me of Chicago and the beautiful people here in my life.

Last night was amazing- like I said, both sweet and sad.  One last night in the green room.  One last night listening intently with awe and love.  One last night to think I'm the only person in the room noticing when she forgot the lyrics, teared up, or did a silly little dance.  One last night quietly comparing the old arrangements to the new ones.  One last night watching my best friend captivate an entire room with her voice and words.  One last night, for now.    

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